Sunday, 10 February 2013

Maybelline New York India's 'It Doesn't Last Long Enough' Contest Winner Announced!

The Maybelline contest was fun wasn't it? Even I participated with a lot of enthusiasm. Different story that I didn't win anywhere but it was fun trying to come up with things that does not last long enough. 

I received so many wonderful answers and believe me it was really tough for me to decide on one that I liked best. There were so many replies I liked!! Wished the sponsors allowed for more than one winner but I have to select only one and that is Ashwini! Here's what she thinks does not last long enough and I bet all of you agree with everything on the list? Right? :P

You know what doesn't last long enough? These:
1) Mascara in its bottle. It just gets all thick and goopy!
2) Smooth and hairless arms/legs after you get them waxed.
3) Nights should last longer, so we can get our complete beauty sleep.
4) Batteries on my phone and laptop.
5) All make-up products and cosmetics. Everyone of us would love to save a few bucks.
6) Perfume on our bodies.
7) Orgasms. ;)
9) The intoxicating aftertaste of chocolate after eating it.
10) Happiness. :)

Congrats Ashwini! You win yourself a surprise gift from Maybelline New York India. Please respond to my email within 48 hrs with your contact details. Else, I'll have to choose another winner. 

Thank you to all of you who participated in the contest. There will be many more to come in future so do keep reading, liking and supporting Pout Pretty.

Love you all!



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