Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Revlon Photoready Airbrush Mousse Makeup in Medium Beige - Review and Pics

It's been so hot and humid here in Kolkata that applying makeup is a real pain. The humidity makes the makeup slide off and if you apply a little more than usual to get some coverage, after a while all that you are left with is a blotchy face and stares from people around you.

I was on the lookout for a lightweight foundation specially for the summer and monsoon which would blend well, not clog the pores, not slide off, could be used daily and at least give me medium coverage. I know that's a lot to want from one product but the SA at the Revlon counter assured me that the new Revlon Photoready Airbrush Mousse Makeup had everything that I was looking for. 

The Airbrush Mousse makeup is a newly released product in the PhotoReady line and is defined as a 'Step Two' product after priming. Its available in six shades (though I saw only 4) and can be used as an all over foundation or in particular areas like under the eyes etc. I use it as an all over foundation. 

Claims : Get an airbrushed finish with Revlon’s light-as-air mousse makeup. Press button gently to deliver a lightweight air-infused foam mousse that blends seamlessly. Photochromatic pigments minimize the appearance of flaws for a smooth, poreless look. 

Lets see if this product lives up to its claims for me.

Packaging - It is actually an aerosol can but looks quite chic and professional. What I like is that its very lightweight so I can slip this into my purse or clutch easily. There is a plastic cover on top to protect from spillage and that's quite a hardy one so no worries there as well.

What is worrying is the dispenser. No matter how gentle I am, I'm unable to control the release of the product and always end up with a lot more leading to wastage. Dunno if this needs practice or this is how it is but the dispenser is quite a pain to use. 

Texture and Finish - I've never really used a mousse airbrush foundation so no idea whether this is the case with all of them but believe me it's quite fascinating to watch what happens after the product comes out. It increases in size and bubbles right in front!!It comes out all airy but when you blend, smoothes down to a foundation like formula. Because of all this increase in size, I squirt it on to my hand first and then apply to my face with fingers. I tried applying with a brush, but it just soaked up too much of the product so fingers are the best bet. But i need to be fast here, else the foundation dries up !

Doesn't this resemble a face??? :D

After smoothing out the bubbles

After Blending

What I like about this mousse is that it blends in really well and is extremely smooth. No patchiness or cakiness on the face. There is also a tiny bit of shimmer which gives off a very nice glow. It has a semi-matte finish which i like. I won't say that it provides excellent coverage and hides all my imperfections in just one layer, but I love the light, professional airbrushed look that this gives. You just need to apply the right amount. And to determine how much is right is the trickiest part!

Staying Power - Around 4-5 hours after which it starts to wear off. 

Weight - 39.7g

Price - Rs 1200

Final Verdict - Even though I like how lightweight and smooth this is, I do feel that there is nothing extraordinary about the product. Nothing that the PhotoReady liquid foundation cannot do.Also, 1200 is pretty steep for the small quantity and is not good value for money. Great to try once but don't think I'm gonna repurchase this. 

Have you tried the Photoready Airbrush Makeup or anything from the Photoready range? Do comment and let me know your views on them.


Unknown said...

Hello :)
liked ur review
I guess Maybelline Liquid Mousse gives the same effects but with half the price :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Vish:)..Ya this one is too pricey..Will try the Maybelline one if this gets over.. Is that good?

Unknown said...

Yes Dolon :) gives medium coverage and feels v light giving smooth finish even when blended wid fingers

Anonymous said...

Can you do a review on any/Revlons PhotoReady liquid foundation?

Unknown said...

Hey Girl..Will do:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dolon!! :)