Friday, 13 July 2012

Look What The Mailman Delivered!!

Delicious aren't they?? All strawberry and chocolate goodness in a cupcake!! Well, just that it's meant for your skin :))))....Yes my pretties, you are looking at the Hot Pink Cupcake and the Dirty Chocolate Cupcake soaps from Soulflower!! Had ordered them a couple of days back from the Soulflower website (which btw is the cutest website ever) and the package arrived today. Believe me girls its so tough not to want to grab a bite of these beauties. I haven't used them yet so can't really write a review but if you want to know how they smell? Well, sniffing them makes me want to go and raid a bakery!

Posting the pics. Drool on :))).......

Isn't the package cute??

Pot pourri and soap sprinkles

Real coffee beans and a cinnamon stick!

Liked my two new beauties?? Do share your thoughts in the Comments below.

Don't forget to join my Fall in Love with Yourself Campaign and win a Victoria's Secret Perfume Mist. Click here for details. 




Tanveer said...

Ohh! They are so cute! I want them too :)

Calicoaster said...

These look super cute and yummy!!! :)

Lancy said...

Looks Yummyyy :)

Unknown said...

Hai na?...They look so good I dont even feel like using them now!!

Namitha Kashyap said...

OMG OMG so yummy :o I would have totally eaten it up! Gosh! Too cute to use! ME WANT! :D
Namita <3

Unknown said...

And the smell is super. It's a tad expensive for a soap though but I'm completely ignoring that now!!!

Unknown said...

Looks so delicious.. :)

Unknown said...

Hard to resist Sophia:))

Pooja G said...

why aren't they edible! :( :P

indian beauty central said...

Über cute! These look so yummy!

Unknown said...

I know:))...don't think I'm gonna use them soon:)

Aparajita said...

Omg...they look so delicious...I am totally going to order them like right now....

Unknown said...

Lol... You will love them:))

Swati said...

they look delicious... such creative minds :D

Zara said...

Oh my! This looks so yum...dol, how will u bringurself t use this?

Nafisa said...

Ohmagodddd!! These r soaps??? There look insanely yummmmm! Pls don't go near them on an empty stomach :-P

Nafisa said...

*they look insanely yummm! (sorry bout the typo. Was overtaken by sheer excitement :-) )

Unknown said...

I know!!Dont think Im gonna use this..Way too pretty!!

Unknown said...

OMG !! I was want to eat them noww :/ You know I would never end up using them thinking it would ruin the design..

Unknown said...

Yup Bhumika..too pretty to be used!

Nidhi Pandey said...

The moment I saw the pics.. I started on earth could a Mailman deliver these without the icing getting disturbed..?

These look yummmmm

Unknown said...

Lol..I knoww and the best thing is that they are all natural. No preservatives!

Gwen@Makeup Toys said...

They look so yummy!! haha!

Unknown said...

I knoww Gwen..hard to control myself from taking a bite:))