Thursday, 12 July 2012

Join My Fall in Love With Yourself Campaign, Answer a Question and Win a Victoria's Secret Perfume Mist!!

I am a big fashion junkie. I love browsing through fashion websites, spend a lot of money every month on buying fashion magazines, my favorite shows are the ones that involve makeovers etc etc...No doubt they are entertaining and also very helpful but the flip side to this glossy world is the unrealistic images of beauty that we are bombarded with everyday. No one looks real anymore! Every little flaw is touched up, every extra inch is trimmed to give us that perfect picture!

How many times have we looked at a picture in a magazine and compared it with ourselves? How many times have we curvy girls gone into depression looking at models in bikinis sporting washboard abs? How many times have we hated our bodies and just wished that we looked like one of those girls with the perfect hair, perfect face, perfect skin and perfect body?

A lot of fashion bloggers worldwide have joined in a movement to say No to Photoshop in their blogs. A movement to spread body positivity through fashion and I'm joining in as well through my own little way. We concentrate so much on our flaws...i don't like my hair, I don't like my big butt, I hate my round thighs etc etc..How many times have we actually stood in front of a mirror and appreciated what we have? 

I would love it if you my readers actually do that. Look at yourself closely. Forget the flaws. Think of what you love about your body. Is it your shining hair? The beautiful eyes? That winning smile? Yes pretties....bring out that narcissist in you! Join my Fall in Love with Yourself campaign! 

Just answer a simple question. What do you love most about yourself and why? 

You can either enter your response in the Comments below or send me an email with your name, email address, location at Another rule is to follow my blog via GFC.  I would also request you to share this in your blogs as well. 

The person with the best answer will win a Victoria's Secret Mist in Tempting Berry!!...This contest is open only for Indian Nationals (Sorry to my international readers this time but do put in your comments as well) till 27th July and I will announce the winner on the 29th. So do keep a watch!

Looking forward to your responses girls..




Unknown said...

HI....nice thoughts. will mail you my entry soon. Followed you through GFC.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot Chandana :))..Look forward to your response

muzyna said...

Such a beautiful idea ! I am a media student i we try to preach to accept the real beauty which lies in the eye of the beholder :) ... I will surely email u do check out and follow
my blog :)

Unknown said...

Great Post!!! Love the concept and you are right and we should love the way we are. I love the way i laugh...really loud and whole heartedly. Its no way girlish but i love the way i laugh :)

Unknown said...

Youre my kinda gal Sudhaa:)...thanks for posting!Can you also follow my blog please?

Poorna Banerjee said...

I love my mouth. Not just because I have sexy lips, but because I can say so much, establish myself with my belief, my ideas, my dreams and my conviction, and tell the world who I am without a single hint of shame, sadness or fear.

Unknown said...

That's wonderful Poorna. Agree with you on that:).....and yes, you do have sexy lips:P


i like my eyes... they are kind of small but i believe this imperfection makes it even better.. people keep saying that i have dreamy eyes so I love that plus my dad says that when I laugh my eyes become small just like his grandmother... which is like the best complement...

Unknown said...

That's lovely Tannima..thanks for participating

Pooja G said...

I love my single dimple on the right cheek, as it appears when I smile from my heart :)

Nice contest Dee :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Pooja for participating:)

Monami said...

A nice effort! Really important to appreciate what we have. I thik I have a pretty smile that kind of brightens up my face, makes me what I am, helps spread warmth and makes me feel good bout myself.

Unknown said...

And I 100% agree with you on that one Monami:)

Nivedita said...

My eyes and complexion. My eyes are not only large but very expressive and they express my feelings completely. My complexion because it is just perfect and very Indian. :)

Unknown said...

The most I love about myself is my eyes and my lips. Why? Because eyes are our treasure and every time I open my eyes I thank the lord to give me a chance to get a glimpse of things in our lives. The beautiful colors of our world. Love the eye liner winged look on myself and lips because I would red lipsticks and how it looks good on my lips ^_^.

Thank You for doing this lovely giveaway! Your blogging skills are nice I must say ^_^. A new follower :).

♥Crazy Pop Lock♥

Unknown said...

Thanks dear for participating:)

Makeup And Beautty By Samannita said...

hi,i already send you my details along with the contest's answer via email..hope you will get that...nice contest...keeping my finger crossed !!!

Ritu said...

hey, first of all, congos for such a unique concept...
mailing my entry to you in a bit:)
and following you too:)

Anonymous said...

Hey...happy to participate dolon..just dashing off my mail to u & sweets I am already ur follower

Kejal Shah said...

Exciting giveaway!
I need to give a serious thought to what I like about myself. Cant think of anything that I dont like :D will send me email after I have discussion with all parts of myself :p

Unknown said...

Thank you dearies for participating and All The Best!...Its gonna be really tough to choose the winner !!

Goga said...

this is such an interesting contest. SO different :) Heres my entry:-
I love my skin mainly. It has such self healing properties. I had been suffering so much last year from eczema, but luckily my skin has decided to fight off the rashes and all. My skin is better than ever now and i love it. If i have any pimple marks they start healing themselves :)

Unknown said...

Thanks sweetie and gosh what amazing skin you have...wish we were all this lucky!

Unknown said...

<3 loved reading all the comments.

Unknown said...

Yes Jasmine..Me too:))

Tanveer said...

My favourite part of me? My hands. They help in hugging, in wiping away tears, in helping someone in their work, they help me type my blog posts & apply my makeup. I chat & twitter with them. They help me express myself - both when I'm happy (clapping) and angry (err, the middle finger) with gestures. And best of all I can decorate them with pretty nail colors. And they'll also help me spray on the mist should I win!! :D

Unknown said...

i lyk ma each n evry part bt i luv ma eyes a lot becozz dey alwayzz make me feel gud n gorgeous evn in tuff timezz dey help me 2 hide ma tears n giv me confidence to move forwar..n evn ma hairs becozz dey r juzz awsum n soft dey move dem as i wnt..

Ishy said...

- has to be my body! .. not because it is something extraordinary but because I've worked really hard to get it_the way to an-athlete-almost-obese-to-hotness is always tricky :D
following the unconventional way of actually eating, working out, good sleep and plain confidence & ditching the many crash diets, power training, various teas and smoothies people turn to.
Then the stretch marks left behind.. it has been very difficult to embrace those at least, when they peek from almost all exposed parts! But, I know I am a survivor of a tough battle and these are my medallions. So, I've become quite apt at ignoring the many ignorant quips and remarks about them publicly.
The oodles of confidence helped and helps and I only preach that confidence with appropriate attitude at appropriate situations goes a long way, than a made-up face and bare legs(nothing sexist here)

Unknown said...

Thank you girls..You are all simply awesome!

Sharu said...

Well, what I love about myself ? ;) Am unique in my own way. Being UNIQUE itself has become common these days .. lol . But yet, I do stupid things, fight like crazy for absolutely crazy stuffs, very short-tempered ( though am working on it ! ), very - very - veryy sensitive ! A very simple thing breaks my heart. But i pretend as though I give a damn and stay strong. I rarely regret the stuffs i've done. If i had done it then, its because i liked doing it. Whats the point in regretting nw? :) And thats the way I am, And am loving it :)

Shameem Rizwana
GFC name : Sharu
Email :

Makeup And Beautty By Samannita said...

hey,today is 29th.waiting for the result !!!