Monday, 23 September 2013

My Chinabuye Haul

Some months back I was given the opportunity to shop for a specified amount from a website I had never heard of it and honestly, was not even sure about the quality of the products. However, the very sweet lady who was interacting with me said "Just take a look once and I'm sure you will love our website". And boy oh boy! is like a treasure trove of all kinds of stuff. From electronic goods to watches, clothes, jewelry, makeup products, this site has everything. What first caught my eyes was the banner that read Free Shipping Worldwide but later got to know that it's only for bulk orders. However, shipping charges are actually pretty minimal. For Registered Airmail (China Post) its $1.98 and for Registered Airmail (Singapore Post), its $2.98. It's best to go with Singapore Post because it takes a lot less time. My stuff took me nearly 1.5 months to reach via China Post!

Coming back to the website, there's nothing that you cannot find here and they do have pretty weird and quirky stuff too. In fact, I've seen here clothes, jewelry and accessories that I've also seen in some of the online shopping websites and Facebook stores. Yup, now I know where most of them source their products from! I was in a big dilemma when I had to choose my products. At first I thought I'll get some accessories, then decided for some nail art, then makeup palettes, then brushes. At the end chucked all of them and got stuff which otherwise I would have probably not bought. Here's what I went for.

1. Strawberry Soft Sponge Hair Curlers- These are made of foam and you have to twist the hair around the stem and keep it for a while. I got a pack of 6 but should have got a lot more. It's tough to keep the hair around these for a long time as they come off pretty fast but if you manage to tightly fasten them, these really work. You can get pretty tight curls. Just need a lot of patience and you will look quite a sight with all those foam strawberries hanging from your head!

2. Rings - I got two. One of a cute fox and the other of a pretty ferocious dragon. Now the dragon did not quite turn out to be what I wanted. I thought it would be much smaller and would look cool. It still looks cool but is huge and very heavy! I wore it once and I had a lot of people staring at my fingers. More than a fashion accessory it's actually a very good weapon. One whack with this and I can cause a lot of pain to a body part!

3. Beauty Blender dupe - I've wanted to try the famous Beauty Blender for a really long time but unable to find one so I got myself a dupe for about $2. Yet to use this but the sponge does feel nice and firm.

4. Epi Roller - This is a very interesting product and very very handy for emergencies. This is used to get rid of facial hair and it involves no batteries. All you need to do is roll this on the area you need to remove hair from and the tightly coiled metal spring will yank the hair from the roots. The sensation is similar to threading. Maybe slightly less painful but this thing does work. It's great for doing the upper lip and chin area specially if there's not a lot of growth. 

5. Moustache Watch - I love this and it looks so cool! The quality is great and does not look cheap or tacky at all. The price was around $7-8. 

That was my Chinabuye haul. Took ages to reach but thankfully no customs since the package came via registered post. Take a look at the website and I'm sure you will find plenty of stuff to buy at very very cheap prices. 

P.S - The products of my choice were given to me free of cost by the website.