Saturday, 13 October 2012

NYX Collection Noir Powder Black Liner - Review & Swatch

I have a confession to make. I know a lot of you beauty bloggers have written posts on how you store your makeup and how to organize stuff and being a beauty blogger, I should be really organised as well. But I'm absolutely not! I hoard stuff and then store them in drawers and boxes all over my house so half the time I don't even find what I'm looking for coz I've forgotten where I've stored it. This habit of mine irritates my mum no end so she gave me an ultimatum last week to sort out the mess or else she would throw away my makeup!! Why do mums always give such terrible threats!! To protect my precious tubes and tubs and bottles, I set about organizing them and came across the NYX Collection Noir Powder Black Liner stashed in the corner of a drawer.

With the Collection Noir, NYX launched eight different formulations of sleek black eyeliners from matte, satin, glossy pencils to liquid and powder liners. I had never tried a powder liner before so that's what attracted me the most and I went ahead and ordered it from B2N for $4.50. At that time, the Indian websites were not selling these but now you can get the collection at Flipkart and Urban Touch. My recommendation - Dunno about the rest of the products but its best to stay away from the Powder Liner. Read on to know why..

According to NYX, you can 'avoid harsh lines with the Powder Black Liner that consists of a refined powder formula. Line your top and bottom lash line easily with the soft tip applicator and create an intense or simple look with just a stroke'!

The only thing that I like about the product is the packaging. Its a shiny black pot with the name of the product written across the elongated cap. Inside, there is a narrow doe foot sponge applicator to line the eyes. 

Now lets get to what I do not like about the liner and there are many!

1. The pigmentation - I was expecting a rich black but this is more of a greyish black. I can still accept the color but what I hate is that it hardly shows up when applying the first time. To get some semblance of color, I need to line my lids and waterline at least 3-4 times! Was the same when I swatched on my hand for the picture below.

2. Application - Even though the powder is quite refined, the application is not smooth at all. It does not glide over the lids and is very uneven. Because of the slightly wobbly applicator, lining the eyes becomes really difficult.

3. Fallout - The powder flies all over while applying and I always get specks of black on my cheeks while using this which I absolutely hate. Too messy to use!

4. Staying Power - When used on its own, it stays for about 1-2 hrs and then fades away. Another negative point!

After I got this, I was really bummed on how to use it. I did not want to just give it away or let it sit idle before throwing so I devised a way. What I do now is I apply one line of kohl on the lids and on the waterline and then apply the powder liner on top. The powder sticks on to the kohl so its a little less messy and the effect is a nice soft, smoky look. More than the lids, this works very well for the waterline.

There is absolutely nothing special about this product and I would not recommend it at all. This has actually put me off powder liners and I don't intend buying one again. Much prefer the pencil, gel and liquid liner to this. So much easier to use!

Have you tried a powder liner? What's your experience?


Unknown said...

Nice review Dolan.

Unknown said...

Nice review Dolan.

Niesha said...

NIce product and review :)
Even I hoard stuff in a very disorganized way and keep on getting ultimatums every now and then, from my brothers too ! :)

Ruby Parmar said...

Awww...thats sad ! Its so irritating wen we spend oodles of money on a branded stuff n it downright disappoints us :(

Poutpretty said...

I know! Could have bought something worthwhile with that money:(

Neha said...

hey dolon :-) i was extremely fascinated by powder.liners esp when sonal kapoors film aicha released! so i bought the loreal minerals kohl thingy - it's quite nice though there is fall out as is the case with most powder kohl liners. but the pigmentation and packaging is really nice esp the.brush. Maybe you.could.try it :-) and it's the quantity that'll last you ages. :-)

Neha said...

hey dolon :-) i was extremely fascinated by powder.liners esp when sonal kapoors film aicha released! so i bought the loreal minerals kohl thingy - it's quite nice though there is fall out as is the case with most powder kohl liners. but the pigmentation and packaging is really nice esp the.brush. Maybe you.could.try it :-) and it's the quantity that'll last you ages. :-)

Dolon said...

Ahh then I'm not the only one...Same pinch fellow disorganized beauty blogger :)