Monday, 2 July 2012

Reader's Spotlight - Indrani

Hey Pretties

I've received quite a few replies from some lovely ladies who have sent in pictures of a few of their most favorite things. A big thank you to all of you :))..and those who still haven't, well I'm waiting dearies to feature you on my blog!!

I'm starting off the Reader's Spotlight section with Indrani, a student who is currently pursuing her Masters at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Indrani describes herself as a happy go lucky person who always sees the glass half full rather than half empty. She is a huge beauty and makeup enthusiast and her weekends are futile if they don't involve shopping! While in India, she was also an amateur makeup artist, working her magic on many brides. She was also one of the makeup artists for Max Factor at the Kolkata Fashion Week. Waiting for some tips from you Indrani :))...Her favorite makeup brand is MAC and her favorite fashion haunts are Zara, H&M, Aldo, Accessorize, Mango, Coast and her mother's boutique Madam, for Indian wear.

Drumrolls please ladies, here's presenting the many moods of the gorgeous Indrani...

That is how she does her eyes

Favorite Zara dress

Favorite evening wear from Coast UK

You are a stunner Indrani!!.. Love your sense of style. Thank you so much for sharing your favorites with us..Hoping to see more of you at Poutpretty...Love you:)



Do you like Indrani's sense of style? Which one of her favorites do you like the most? Do share your thoughts in the Comments below.

P.S - The Reader's Spotlight section is where you my readers get to share your style or just about anything that is a favorite of yours. Please send me an email with your pictures for this feature. 


indianmakeupways said...

I like the 1st,2nd and 4th pic. She is gorgeous. :)

Unknown said...

That she sure is :)