Wednesday, 11 July 2012

My Top 5 Tips on Finding the Perfect Pair of Jeans for Curvy Girls

I'm a curvy girl. Have always been one and will probably always be one. Like all curvy girls, even I have gone through the entire cycle of dieting, exercising, going to the gym, dropping out after 5 months, dieting again, bingeing and again going back to the gym. Not that it has helped much but thankfully now I've come to a stage where I love my body, love my curves and know how to make them work for me. 

I'm sure you will agree that the toughest piece of clothing for a curvy girl to find is that perfect pair of jeans. Jeans that will hug the right places, cover the wrong ones, make legs lean and slim, accentuate that butt, tuck in that tummy and in general just make u look good and feel good. In this post, Ill share some of my tried and tested tips on finding the right pair of jeans. Hopefully these will also help you in finding your perfect pair!

1. Stretch that fabric - Choose jeans with a little bit of lycra. This will ensure that the jeans comfortably wraps around your curves and there is no stiffness. Don't go for too much stretch though coz the jeans will lose its shape pretty soon.

2. Go Dark - Choose a clean, dark wash. Please do not buy distressed jeans that have those ugly white patches on the thighs..Ughhhh..They don't look good on anyone..curvy or slim! Dark colored bottoms will always make your legs look thin and light colored bottoms will highlight the wrong places. In regular jeans, try dark washes like black, navy blue, charcoal gray and in colored jeans go for purple, royal blue etc.

3. Best Fits - The best fit for a curvy girl is the straight leg or slight boot cut. This gives you lean legs. If you have wide hips, try a wider leg or medium flare style where the leg opening is as wide as your thigh. This will help to balance out your hips. I'm not too fond of skinny jeans coz they are really uncomfortable and I always feel like I'm gonna pop out of them. If you want to wear skinnies, go for the slim fit and make sure you wear a long top with a bit of volume to balance out the look. Always remember, volume below, fitted (not tight) on top. Volume on top, fitted below. 

4. Avoid the Muffin Top - Low rise and ultra low rise jeans can create a muffin top if you don't have a washboard flat stomach, because they cause your tummy to spill over your waist band. High-rise jeans will only make you look pregnant if you have a bit of belly flab. The best bet is to go for mid-rise styles that aren't too high or too low. And make sure the waist is fitted. Too much gapping around the waist of the jeans and they are sure to slide down when you bend over.

5. Well Heeled - Always always wear heels with jeans be it wedges, pumps, stilletoes, sling backs, peep toes.... anything. Heels add extra length to the legs, perks up the butt and gives you that statuesque look

Brands I Wear - I am a 100% Levis girl. Have been wearing Levis for god knows how many years now. Some other brands that I have also tried out are Pepe, Giordano, Marks n Spencer and Lee and they have a pretty good collection as well. Check them out girls, get that perfect pair and revel in your curves!

Let me know if these tips helped. If you have some more, please share in the comments section below. I love  hearing from you :)



P.S - Images have been sourced from google


Aru Pabla said...

Hi Pout Pretty,
I cam e across your blog and loved what you have shared in this blog post. I am also amongst the curvy ones.... ok maybe curvier ones......... but the point is that whenever i try levis or lee or pepe or any other brand ... they all come in low rise variety only and very few options in mid rise........ although even mid rise seems like a low rise to me......... so i have recently started picking up from the local brands like lakshita..... but they too have so few options...... don't know maybe some day i'll start my own jeans brand for curvier :) females like me!!
sorry there for blabbering..... it was really post as if written for someone just like me ........

Aru Pabla said...

Hi Pout Pretty,
i am also among the curvy female..... ok! maybe curvier ones........ so am always struggling about finding the perfect fitting jeans ...... even mid rise seem like as if they are low rise only for me.......... am still in search of that elusive perfect fit......... am presently wearing the local brand "Lakshita" ... although they too have few options only. sorry for blabbering on my own...... i really liked th epost and felt as if it was written just for me.... :)

Unknown said...

Hi Aru.. I completely understand how frustrating it is! Have you tried the Levis curve jeans? They have a no of options. Also Jealous 21 I think has a line for curvier women. Try Marks and Spencer. They have a pretty wide range of sizes that go up to 18 I think. I like Lakshita too but haven't tried their jeans...hope you find that perfect pair soon and thanks for appreciating :))

Vanu said...

Hey Aru!
i also come in category of curvier women. Lakshita is my fav.if we talk abt tops,kurtis, etc.dey dont have much choice in jeans.

Try Pantaloons for jeans. I have been buying from dem since a long time now. Brand Jealous 21 from pantaloons have a good variety, dey r neither high waist nor low waist, somewhere near mid-waist which fits really nicely. Give Pantaloons a try, im sure u vl pick some jeans from there :p

Unknown said...

Nice tips..will definitely keep them in mind when I go hunting for jeans

Zara said...

Oh lovely!! m also on d curvy side and luv KRAUS for my denim needs....but i havhent tried Levis..m always scared dat nothin will fit n dat d skinny SAs will laugh at me :(

Unknown said...

Thanks Parul for liking them :)

Unknown said...

Hey great to have you here :))..I totally know that feeling..and the SA's show so much disdain like we aren't really humans for not having a 24 inch waist!!Hate that!!

Zara said...

Yea..I feel so weird..then I can't stay n just Wana leave!

Aru Pabla said...

thanks PP and Vanu!! i did try the levis curve jeans but i turned out to be curvier.... :)
but will surely try the Marks and spencer along with the jealous 21 ....... will keep my fingers crossed......... this might be it!! will surely keep u posted about the same...... :)

Unknown said...

Do let us know Aru if you get what you've been looking for:)

Anonymous said...

Nice blog..very informative post :-)
New follower of your blog !!!
Pls do visit mine in your spare time !!

Unknown said...

Thanks Shruti... You have one delicious blog!!! Following you:)

Shruti Dhingra Wahi said...

Thank you so much :-)

Nidhi Pandey said...

Nice tips! Loved them..Shall try them when I go for purchasing my pair of denims..:) Thankyou!

Unknown said...

My pleasure:)..