
Monday, 9 December 2013

The Body Shop Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion - Review

My very dear friend Ms P has always spoken very highly of The Body Shop's Tea Tree range specially the face mask and the product I'm reviewing today, the Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion. I did not need to buy it earlier since my skin was pretty clear but during the horrible attack of the pimples, nothing was working and I was desperate!! My trusted TBS Tea Tree Oil that I always keep handy for emergencies died on me and my face was beginning to resemble a mini landmine with one pimple popping out every 2-3 days. So what did I do? I remembered what P said about the Blemish Fade Night lotion and went ahead and bought one for Rs 895. And it worked wonders!!!

The lotion is available in a 30 ml bottle with a pump dispenser and smells obviously of tea tree oil. For 895, I would have loved to get a bigger bottle but you don't really need a lot of product so one bottle can easily last for about two - three months depending on the frequency of use. The texture of the lotion is quite smooth and it gets absorbed quite fast into the skin without making it oily/greasy. Therefore perfect for those with combination/oily skin. Now I have neither. I have dry skin and specially in this season I feared that it would make my skin even more dry because of the ingredients but I was very surprised and happy to see that it did not. Even though this is a night lotion, I have used it during the day as well and both times, did not experience any extra dryness.

Now coming to the question of whether this thing works. Yes it really does! When I bought this lotion, I had three very big pimples on my face and one was such a stubborn one. It was big, red and was just not popping. I was desperate to get rid of that and it had become like an obsession for me. The first night I applied the lotion to my face and after smoothing it all over , applied little more on that pesky one kinda like a spot treatment. I had actually not expected any result that day itself but when I woke up, saw that the size of all three had reduced slightly. This gave me a lot of hope and happiness and I religiously started applying the lotion every night. The two big ones vanished in two days and the big one popped open on the 3rd!

The lotion is actually supposed to fade away blemishes but it works really well on getting rid of pimples as well. As for the reducing blemishes claim, that works too! I have seen a few marks on my face getting lighter and my skin becoming clearer day by day. I've been using the lotion for nearly 2.5 weeks now and I'm really happy with the results. Even though, touch wood, the pimples are gone, I'm still using it as a night lotion everyday to get rid of the marks.

I have got very good results from The Body Shop Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a product to fight acne and acne marks. It is slightly expensive but totally worth its price! And thanks P for recommending this to me :D

Have you tried any product from the Body Shop Tea Tree range? Which is your favorite?

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