
Monday, 2 December 2013

Kaya Skin Clinic Pigmentation Reducing Complex - Review

If you have been following my Facebook page and my daily rants, you will know that my skin has been under a pimple attack for nearly two weeks now. And do you know how it started?? A lady had complimented me on my clear skin and asked what products I use. That obviously made my day and I went to sleep very happy. Cut to the next day, I see two pimples slowly making an appearance and in another two days time, they took on gigantic proportions!! A few more joined the party and my face slowly turned into a mess! Its not yet back to what it was but the numbers have thankfully reduced. Considering my current condition, I am probably not the best person to review a skincare product but this has been pending for a long time and it really delivered results when I used it. The product I'm talking about is Kaya skin clinic's latest launch - Pigmentation Reducing Complex.

Here's some information about the product -

The Intense Clarify HD range from Kaya is the ultimate solution for uneven skin tone and hyper-pigmentation. This advanced product range comprises highly effective active ingredients which are popularly used by dermatologists to treat pigmentation. The exceptional blend of active ingredients in the products brightens skin, treats cellular discoloration and improves skin clarity
One of the revolutionary products from this range - Pigmentation Reducing Complex which is a light-textured, fast absorbing cream that helps to reduce dark spots, tanning and pigmentation marks that are resistant and have been there for a long time. It contains highly potent actives like Azelaic acid and Phytic acid which are proven tyrosinase inhibitors. The actives not only help to reduce the spots but also prevent further darkening of skin. The Hydrating nature of the actives improves the feel of skin and keeps it soft and healthy. This product helps reduce dark spots in just 2 weeks.

My experience:

The Kaya Pigmentation Reducing Complex is to be applied daily at night before going to bed. And I did apply it every day for about two and a half weeks before my face got messed up. Remember I wrote in the beginning that a lady had complimented me on my clear and bright skin? Well, I think this product had a lot to do with it because other than my usual moisturizer in the day and this one at night, I was not using anything else. 

The product comes in a bottle with a transparent plastic cap and a pump style dispenser. The lotion is mildly scented and the texture light. It gets absorbed into the skin very fast and there is no greasiness at all. The product is designed to treat uneven skin tone and hyper pigmentation and even though I don't have major pigmentation problems, this really helped in making my skin look brighter and lighter.

The key ingredients of this product are quite potent and considered effective against pigmentation. The ingredients are all chemicals so you know why I'm saying they are potent stuff. On the first application, I did experience a very slight tingling sensation but it settled down soon after. I have a few brown spots on my cheeks and that's where I specifically applied the product at night to see the effect. And the effect was quite good. I am giving my face a break from chemicals till the pimples vanish so not using the Pigmentation Reducer now but after the 2 and a half weeks that I used it, there was a visible improvement. The brown spots had lightened slightly and there was a radiance and luminosity. The lotion also helped lighten my tanned skin considerably as well. Sighhhhhh. I miss you old skin!!

Once my pimples die, I know Ill be left with a lot of spots. Hopefully, the Pigmentation Reducer will be able to take care of them well. Will keep you updated on how it fared. Meanwhile, if you are battling uneven skin tone, tanning and hyper pigmentation, check out the Kaya Pigmentation Reducing Complex. It is priced at Rs 990. 

P.S - PR Sample. Honest review. 

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